
Windows 7, by default, allows users to pin applications to the Start Menu and Taskbar to make using them easier.  However, applications are not the only objects we use on our computers every day.  This post gives the how-to on adding other objects such as a scanner or website link to the Start Menu and Taskbar.


Issue: Pin a non-application shortcut to the taskbar in Windows 7

System: Windows 7

Error Code: N/A


  • Find the object you want to pin to the task bar (a scanner for example)

  • Create a new folder in Documents called TaskBarShortcuts

  • Right-click the option and choose Create Shortcut (this will either give you the option where to save the shortcut or it will save it to the Desktop.

-Save the new shortcut in the TaskBarShortcuts folder (if the newly created shortcut saved to your desktop, cut/paste it into TaskBarShortcuts)

  • In that same folder, right-click and choose New>Shortcut.

-In the Shortcut wizard, browse to the TaskBarShortcuts folder and choose the first you created.  In the location field, type Explorer (in front of the location path, for example "Explorer “C:\Users\Name\Documents\TaskBarShortcuts\xyz”".  Click next.

-Name the new shortcut to whatever works best for you.

  • Right-click on the new shortcut and choose Pin To Taskbar

  • Open the pinned shortcut to test.


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