GS Staff

Gas prices have gone up significantly across the nation, with summertime threatening to be the most expensive travel season in several years. While nobody has a crystal ball regarding long-term increases, it's safe to assume that the price of gas may be an issue for your workforce for quite some time, especially if long commutes are involved. Fortunately, there's an easy way to sidestep this issue – by taking advantage of Gravity Systems' remote computing options.

What kinds of options are we talking about? For starters, you can make use of remote desktop technologies that allow your employees' home computers to connect to their workplace machines, providing instant access to everything they would be working on if they were sitting right there in your office.

Do you need your employees to work together as a team? Instead of forcing them all to pay more at the pump for such gatherings, offer them a cloud computing environment over a secure shared server, complete with real-time project collaboration platforms. If your workers are already on the road, don't force them to make an extra trip back just to take care of urgent business at your location. Instead, lend them pre-secured company smartphones, laptops or tablets so they check in with you from wherever they may be.

These kinds of remote work options aren't just good for productivity – they may actually aid your employee retention. A team member who might be considering changing jobs due to a brutally expensive commute now has good reason to stay on. You may even gain access to higher-quality recruits by offering this attractive perk to job candidates.

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Gas prices may have a profound effect on many aspects of the American economy, but they don't have to damage your business. Ask our Austin IT support team about our remote work technologies!

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