GS Staff

From time to time, company IT departments are jolted into fresh concern over the issue of email security by some massive scandal, or by a major provider announcing a new patch or feature. But what about the rest of the time, when all seems well? If you haven't reviewed your email security practices and policies in a while, it's time to take a fresh look at them. Here are some issues to consider, courtesy of your Austin IT support team at Gravity Systems.

Password policies – Are you holding your employees to smart password creation requirements? Make sure every password used to log into your business's email system is sufficiently lengthy and complex, ideally requiring a combination of letters, numbers and symbols. We can point you toward options for smart password generation and storage.

Anti-spam resources – Spam not only bogs your employee's email boxes down in a big way, but it can also contain dangerous links to malicious sites or attachments containing malware programs. If you haven't yet taken advantage of a program such as our own Gravity Anti-Spam service, talk to us abut how we can monitor your email system and intercept possible spam messages.

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Anti-phishing training – Do the individuals at your business know how to spot clever but damaging phishing attempts – from the “spear phishing” aimed at conning specific individuals out of their passwords to the “whale fishing” that tries to get CEOs to hand over sensitive information? The only way to protect your company against phishing is to train your team on how to recognize common phishing techniques for what they are, preferably by showing them some classic examples and explaining the potential consequences of “taking the bait.”

Email security is a cornerstone of your overall IT security. Get the security help you need by contacting our experts at Gravity Systems!

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