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As popular as cloud computing has become in recent years, some people and businesses are still leery of storing their critical and/or sensitive data up in the digital stratosphere. While it's quite right for you to be concerned about your company's and clients' data, our Austin managed IT services team can assure you that cloud computing can indeed by very secure – as long as you take the necessary steps to secure it. Here are some considerations in building a safer cloud environment for your business:

 Access – Who will have access to your company cloud? A cloud database should be secured against potential internal abuses as well as outside threats. We can show you how to create a system that's just as accessible as it needs to be.

 Public vs. private clouds – A public cloud (the model most individual cloud users are familiar with) places users' data on commercial servers that may be shared by numerous other customers. But if you would rather have an entire cloud all to yourself, you can! You can also use a hybrid of private and public clouds, reserving the most sensitive files for the private realm.

 Security – Many people forget that the cloud is often just a virtual representation of a physical infrastructure.  Just like with physical infrastructures, cloud sites still need to be protected from threats using best practices and business-class protection.  Many users assume that a public cloud provider is taking care of those details, but most do not. 


 Trust Gravity Systems for your cloud security. We can set you up with a private cloud on a local area network (LAN) that we create, monitor and maintain exclusively for your organization. We can also set you up with public or hybrid clouds to suit your particular needs. Contact us to learn more!

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