GS Staff


Do you have a workstation and server that seem to be giving each other the silent treatment? If these components aren't connecting, you're losing productivity until you can get both pieces of your network networking again. A little troubleshooting, however, can help isolate the causes of common server-workstation miscommunications.


The three primary links in this chain consist of the workstations, the server, and the switches  and/or cables that provide connectivity. If one workstation can't log on to the network or server, it can be frustrating.   


Of course, you and your staff have got better things to do that trace connectivity glitches within your network – and once you find them, you still have to fix them. That's why it makes such good sense to contact our Austin IT business support experts here at Gravity Systems. We'll find the problem, install any replacement parts and restore communication to your IT system!

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