GS Staff


You've got quite an impressive IT network going, if you do say so yourself – so why is it operating so sluggishly? There are actually several potential trouble points that can contribute to sluggish, sub-par performance. Here are a few of the main IT network bottlenecks frequently noted (and fixed) by our Austin tech support team here at Gravity Systems.


  • Inadequate server setup – Are you running your entire system through a single server when you really need a separate database server as well? Are you running things on a peer-to-peer network when it is time to get a full server? Optimizing your server setup could solve some major bottleneck problems.


  • Application ugliness – Did your system slowdowns coincide with the adoption of a particular software suite or proprietary program? The days of crafting software applications out of concise, elegant code seem to be long gone. Many of today's applications are messily coded and inefficient simply because modern hardware allows for it, but the poor execution can still interfere with your IT performance.


  • Malware, malware everywhere – Key-logging malware, spam emails, adware and other unwanted intrusions can bog down a network quickly and severely. Things will just keep getting slower and slower until you clean all this junk out and upgrade your security protections against it.



  • Bandwidth scarcity – If your cloud or VoIP performance is slow, you may not be feeding these systems sufficient bandwidth to support the number of workers using it. Increasing demands from a growing workforce and bandwidth-hogging applications may force you to re-evaluate your telecommunications needs and options.


Fortunately, you don't have to troubleshoot this chain of potential bottlenecks by yourself. Contact our Austin tech support team for expert problem-solving, configuration and recommendations. We can pinpoint the weak link in that network chain and get your business back up to speed in no time!

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