GS Staff

Here comes another Halloween, a holiday which evokes various scary symbols and ideas but which is more usually associated with goofy fun, silly costumes, and quests for candy. Even so, there are some genuine threats lurking out there that can make your Halloween a horrifying experience for your business. Let's examine some Halloween IT horrors that our Austin IT support crew at Gravity Systems can help you avoid:

Vanishing data – Disappearing acts are commonplace in the world of ghosts, but if you want to experience a true nightmare, watch your precious financial and customer data disappear due to a critical failure! That's why we recommend options such as our cloud backup and recovery services, which can turn that disappearing act into a re-appearing act right before your grateful eyes.

Haunted hard drives – Are your company's hard drives acting as if they're possessed – refusing to do your bidding, for instance, or behaving in ways you can't comprehend? Your hardware may be the victim of evil (or at least annoying) malware agents. Time to call Gravity systems to perform an “exorcism” by wiping the invaders out of your works and returning your IT components to their normal, obedient selves.

An Internet gone dark – If you're afraid of the dark, you should be even more afraid of what happens when your Internet connectivity goes down, leaving your entire business in an online-information blackout and making it impossible for you to produce. Our team can keep the lights on by providing you with redundant connectivity options, giving you that much-needed backup if your primary channel happens to experience a glitch in service.


Don't let Halloween turn your enterprise into a bona-fide house of horrors. Talk to Gravity systems today so we discuss ways of ensuring that your October remains peaceful and productive all the way through!

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