
Expand Globally by Starting with an IT Setup Modification

Today’s world is a gigantic, interactive business arena. Thanks to global communications and related technologies, businesses all over the planet can do business across multiple time zones and cultures as easily as if they were all located in the same town. Maybe your business has grown to the point that you’re ready to take it international. But before you can take that massive step, you’ll want to make sure that your IT capabilities will facilitate such expansion as effectively and painlessly as possible.

The cloud is most definitely your company’s friend if you want to do business on an international level. Think about all the planning and grunt work that goes into setting up a traditional data center in another country, a process that can easily take years to complete. If your business runs its data processes centrally via cloud servers and applications, you can skip all that extra work and get your global office up and running within a matter of months.


Outsourced IT helpdesk services can also help get your global business off to a galloping start. These companies can offer 24-hour low-level technical assistance, taking care of low-level requests and escalating only those issues that require special expertise. Any of your workers, anywhere in the world, can enjoy prompt, efficient resolutions to common problems, no matter what time it is at your headquarters.

Different nations require compliance with different laws and regulations regarding data privacy and security. If you want to do business across these borders, you need to make sure that you’ve beefed up your company-wide data security practices as needed. That might mean investing in new hardware, software, data backup, disaster recovery, and managed IT services.


Need some professional guidance as you ponder this next step in your business’s evolution? Contact our Austin IT managed services team at Gravity Systems!

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