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Today, many popular apps live not on users’ devices, but up in the cloud. In many cases, you can choose between “local” and cloud-based versions of the same application. So when should you choose one over the other? If you’re not sure, ask yourself the following questions.

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Is the app I need available in cloud form? While much of today’s traditional software has found its way onto cloud platforms, a lesser-known or proprietary program may exist only in its original, traditional form.

If the app I need doesn’t exist in the cloud, is there a cloud-based alternative that merits consideration? You may find that the specialized application your business requires has an equivalent in the cloud. If so, this might present an opportunity to unlock yourself from dead-end
software by switching to the cloud-based alternative.

Can I save money by relying on cloud-based apps and platforms? Sometimes a cloud app can save organizations a lot of money by offering a unified, subscription-based payment plan.
This option will spare you the headaches of purchasing (and updating) umpteen copies of the software.

Does the cloud version of the app have all the functionality I need and expect? Don’t assume that the cloud version of your favorite app has all the functionality of the traditional program you’ve always used. Cloud apps often represent stripped-down versions instead of full
feature sets, so check carefully to make sure that you’re getting all the features you actually need.

How does the platform itself factor into my decision? If your team relies heavily on remote collaboration, cloud apps can make that process much easier. If not, then you may be perfectly satisfied with traditional applications.

Gravity Systems’ Austin business tech support experts can help you select the ideal software for your organization’s specific needs and goals. Give us a call!

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