
Key Indicators That It's Time to Upgrade Your Network

Your data network is the central nervous system of your facility. Just as a human nervous system keeps all the body’s various components working in sync, your network keeps information flowing among end points and servers. Over time, however, a network that once seemed perfectly zippy can grow unwieldy, unpredictable, or just plain slow. If you’ve been wondering whether, Here are some telltale signs that you may need to make some upgrades.


Your network has grown sluggish. If all the devices connected to your network feel slow as molasses, chances are that the network itself is to blame. Old-school Cat 5 cables running off of ancient, small-office hubs simply can’t keep up with modern-day data demands. Swap out these items for Gigabit speeds and watch jaws drop all around you as your workplace takes a big (and fast) leap forward in productivity.


You keep running out of Ethernet ports. If your staff has grown over the years, you may find yourself stringing a veritable spaghetti of Ethernet cables all over the building, constantly running out of ports and adding hubs as you go. Maybe it’s time you added wireless connectivity to your network. It doesn’t work for all locational challenges, but it could greatly simplify your network while allowing for easier future expansion.


You keep encountering network failures. Is your networking experiencing frequent interruptions due to port failures and other mysterious errors? You may be seeing the effects of years of wear and tear on your hubs, switches, and cables. These components can and do grow unreliable as they get old. If you installed the whole network around the same time, you might want to upgrade everything all at once to restore normal functionality.


Our Austin IT support experts at Gravity Systems can give your network a new lease on life. Contact us today!

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