GS Staff

In a previous post, we mentioned some strategies you can employ to reduce your risk when you and your employees must use public wifi instead of more secure network options. You may breathe a sigh of relief whenever you return to the relative safety of your business's own private wireless network, especially if it's using the familiar, highly-regarded security protocol known as WPA2. Unfortunately, it turns out that this secure protocol isn't as secure as anyone thought. An exploit called KRAK (Key Reinstallation Attacks) is capable of breaching its defenses – but our IT business support team at Gravity Systems can help you protect yourself against it.

KRAK is a proof-of-concept attack originally found by a Belgian university. It exploits a flaw in the WPA2 protocol that enables an attacker to break through the encryption at key vulnerable points, extracting passwords and other sensitive data. At the same time, it allows hackers in injects their own malicious code through those vulnerable points in the connection. KRAK appears to be a threat to Windows, MAC, Linux, Android and other systems run by countless devices. While avoiding HTTP sites in favor of HTTPS is still a smart practice, additional tricks to downgrade HTTPS to HTTP could even rob you of that level of protection, exposing you to a KRAK attack.


What's the answer? Enterprise-grade access points at all your business locations. Our Austin IT business support team can build multiple layers of protection into your network, providing maximum safeguards against any kind of attack. Our managed services can also ensure that all your business's devices are running the latest patches and upgrades at all times. Contact us to learn more about the dangers of KRAK attacks – and how your friends at Gravity Systems can help you prevent them from cracking into your IT system!

Related Post: When You're Stuck With Public Wifi: Start, Secure Usage Strategies

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