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Data storage seems like a simple enough concept. But what if you have to store huge files such as multimedia files, or you need to keep track of large amounts of data forever? Here are some points to keep in mind, courtesy of your friends at Gravity Systems.

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Online, Near-Line, and Off-Line Storage

Even if you need to store hundreds of terabytes of data, you may not need every byte of that data readily available to you at a second’s notice. For example, a video editor needs ready access to the digital footage and other elements related to a current project, but finished projects can go “on the shelf” while old video masters can get packed away on the off-chance that they might someday be needed again.

For lightning-fast access, keep large files in online storage, filing on them on the workstation’s internal drive (or an attached external drive) or placing them on a networked drive for multiple users. If you need quick but not instant short-term access to supplemental data, keep those files in what’s called near-line storage. Completed video projects would go to off-line storage on the cloud or on disconnected external drives.

Archival Storage

Large project files and many years of data can add up to an immense pile of data, which you can place in archival storage for long-term safekeeping. Tape drives have traditionally offered the best format for this kind of storage. Tape drives are too slow for everyday data storage and retrieval, but speed doesn’t matter when you’re simply putting large files away indefinitely.

Of course, you could archive your data onto the cloud -- but you’d probably pay a lot more. Prices per gigabyte have dropped dramatically over the years, but cloud services still impose subscription fees based on maximum usage limits, with the highest tiers costing a pretty penny. 

Need more data storage advice? Contact our Austin IT support team!

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