
Keeping your IT system up to date with the latest software can help you stay on the cutting edge of business productivity and efficiency. But that doesn’t mean you can or should install every promising application out there. Take the following dos and don’ts into consideration before you click that “Install” button.

Do check the software’s compatibility with the intended computer. Does the software require a certain minimum OS? Does it call for more memory or processing power than your computers can provide? Will it play nice with your peripherals by offering the right driver support? Ask yourself (or better yet, ask us) these questions before you purchase or try to install a program.


Don’t install software from unofficial sources. A program downloaded from anywhere other than its authorized source will likely come riddled with invisible extras such as adware, ransomware, and other malware that can access your data or manipulate the affected (or in this case, infected) computer.


Do stand ready to provide user support. Even an incremental upgrade of a familiar program can pose obstacles for users, while an all-new application could represent an uncharted frontier. Make sure your technicians understand the software well enough to train and assist employees as needed – and be prepared to to spend some time doing just that.

Don’t let employees install their own software. You never want to let workers install their own software on your facility’s computers. For one thing, that “official” release might turn out to be not so official after all, opening the door to the malware attacks mentioned above. What’s more, the employees might mess up the installation and setup process, producing fresh headaches both for them and for your technical staff.

Want to get that software selection and installation right the first time? Contact our Austin business IT experts at Gravity Systems!

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