
The world of software is a very wide world indeed. Many businesses depend on industry-specific or even complete proprietary programs for the specialized functionality their work requires. But all good things must come to an end, especially if your software choices are no longer doing the job for you. Here are some signs that it’s time to swap out current software options for something else, courtesy of our Austin IT support team at Gravity Systems.

Your software doesn’t play well with others. How compatible is that specialized software with other, more widely-used applications? If you can’t, say, export a document into an easily-read format or import data cleanly and efficiently, your program may have become more of a bottleneck than a solution. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself avoiding this non-cooperative application more and more.

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Your software is no longer receiving support. Did the software’s developer abandon this product at some point? Did they go out of business completely? You don’t want tobe left high and dry with an obsolete application. Even if you can still use it for certain functions, the lack of ongoing patches and updates may make it a security hazard. 

Your software is running into functional limitations. Software developers tend to equip their successful software programs with new features that expand their power and effectiveness, allowing them to meet the ever-changing needs of today’s business world. If your older software program is still living in a bygone era, it simply may not be able to do all of the things you now need it to do.

Don’t panic if you need to say a fond farewell to that “must-have” piece of software. Our experts can recommend modern-day alternatives that provide the specialized functionality you need – while also keeping your whole IT system current. Contact us to learn more!

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