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When you hear horror stories about companies getting ransacked by ransomware, you might assume that the victims in question let their guard down due to a general lack of technological awareness. In reality, even the high-tech heavy hitters can and do suffer at the hands of hackers and malware agents. One of the more stunning recent cases has involved none other than graphics processor giant Nvidia.

This particular hack, which went public on February 25th, had some odd angles to it. Instead of asking for ransom money, the agent responsible demanded that Nvidia open-source their GPU chipset code for Windows, MacOS, and Linux. The ransomware agent appears to have captured at least one terabyte of highly sensitive data, including proprietary company data and employees’ credentials.

How did Nvidia respond to this attack? Fortunately, the company had a disaster recovery plan that enabled them to get their email and web system up and running again fairly quickly. They also called the police, of course. Last but not least, they strengthened their network security and consulted with cybersecurity experts to help the company guard against future such attacks.

The moral? If it can happen to a tech-savvy enterprise like Nvidia, it can happen to any business – including yours. So now’s the time to take an inventory of your current security setup? When was the last time you updated your firewall protection? How secure are your password strategies and employee credentials? What state-of-the-art advances in IT security might you be missing out on? What kind of disaster recovery plan do you currently have, and how efficiently can it respond to massive data loss from a ransomware attack?

The Austin business tech support experts at Gravity Systems can help you get all these concerns settled to your satisfaction. Don’t wait until disaster strikes; contact us today!

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