GS Staff


The modern digital age makes it incredibly convenient for you and your employees to access data – but it also makes it convenient for unauthorized personnel (a.k.a. “the bad guys”) to do the same. Securing your information requires that your entire team understands smart password practices. Here are some tips from your Austin tech support team at Gravity Systems:

Don't use the default passwords. Routers and other components typically come with default passwords. While these passwords may be impressively long and complex, they can also become public knowledge via the Internet – so as soon as they've accomplished their initial purpose of getting you up and running, change them.

Choose long, unique passwords. Strong passwords don't have to be crazily complex. But they do need to be long and contain a varied, unpredictable mix of letters, numbers and symbols. Go with gibberish instead of recognizable words or number progressions.

Use a different password for every situation. Give every account, device or access point its own one-of-a-kind password instead of repeating the same password for multiple situations. No matter how “unbreakable” you may think that password is, once it is broken, you want to limit the size of the breach.


Make passwords part of a larger defense plan. Passwords alone can't make your data or systems completely safe from the bad guys. Make smart password usage part of a larger plan that includes secure firewalls, anti-malware protection, and constant software upgrades as needed.

If you're looking to beef up your digital security, give our Austin business IT support experts a call. We can help your data stay safe!

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