Once upon a time, your small business ran perfectly happily on the low end of the Internet connectivity-speed scale. But times change, and so do businesses’ needs as they grow. If you’re suddenly finding your Internet speeds woefully inadequate even after shelling out for a high-speed broadband plan, maybe you need to look at your “pipes” -- the cables that carry those packets of data up and down the Information Superhighway.
Why the sudden need for speed? Over the years, we’ve come to assign more and more data transfer tasks to the Internet. Phone communications used to happen over dedicated analog lines; now they frequently occur via VoIP connection. Grainy little video clips suitable for old-school 56 K data transfer rates have given way to 1080 p or even 4000 K video transmissions. Downloadable apps are overstuffed with code simply because we now have the broadband technology to make those downloads a breeze. So there’s no getting around it: you need to get caught up.
What are your high-speed connectivity options? If you’re in a really remote area, you may have to rely on satellite connectivity. This method can get you close to cable or fiber speeds, through at extra cost. Cable is a more common choice. Today’s coax cables can deliver speeds of up to 1 Gps. Google Fiber is available to some Austin businesses, with speeds exceeding 1 Gps. (But if the last mile to your facility is plain old copper, you may not notice a bump in speed.) Google Web Pass is another exciting option, one which was just rolled out in Austin this summer. This method uses point-to-point wireless technology to beam Gigabit-speed transfer rates to commercial rooftops.
Here at Gravity Systems, our Austin tech support specialists can hook you up with the smartest high-speed data connectivity option for your location, existing technology and budget. Let’s talk!