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Backing up your crucial customer, financial and inventory data can literally be a matter of life or death for your business. Did you know that 60 percent of all companies that experience catastrophic data loss are out of business within 6 months, and that 93 percent of companies that have no access to their data for at least 10 days end up declaring bankruptcy? And even if you do have a backup system in place for your business – is it doing its job?

Data backup isn't necessarily a fool-proof solution; it can fail, just like other aspects of your IT can fail, and user error is often to blame. For instance, if your own staff is already overburdened, it's all too easy for them to forget to run a nightly backup. Monitoring the progress of those backups is an even more time-intensive (and boring) process, so you may be tempted to conduct business with one eye while keeping one eye on the logs – and one eye isn't always sufficient to notice error messages indicating a faulty or incomplete backup. Last but not least, there's the issue of testing each backup to make sure it's all there, ready to provide a business-saving restoration when you desperately need it.



Regular backups are too important to take chances with. That's why you need an Austin IT support provider that will schedule, run, monitor and test those nightly backups as part of an IT managed services package. Our team at Gravity Systems can not only provide this service to our usual high professional standard, but we can also make you sure have an intelligent, reliable “3-2-1” system in place (three (or more!!) backups on two different technologies, including one off-site backup). So don't take unnecessary chances – trust the Gravity Systems team to help your business survive a data disaster!

Related Post: Top 5 Benefits of Online Backup

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