
“Layoff” has been the name of the game in the tech industry lately. You’ve no doubt seen the various headlines about Twitter, Amazon, and other tech giants letting huge numbers of IT workers go. But what does this massive belt tightening mean for smaller businesses and their ability to keep their IT departments up and running?


For one thing, it seems that the bulk of the laid-off tech workers may have occupied the lower rungs of the ladder. The tech giants may have eliminated positions they considered less critical, such as programmers who specialized in a particular niche, as opposed to general-purpose IT support personnel. At the same time, many businesses of all sizes have instituted hiring freezes as they brace themselves for future economic uncertainty. As a result, there are lots of IT professionals with different kinds of skills and experience ready to sign on with somebody else.


This new pool of willing, able tech labor might be seen as a blessing by companies that endured the “Great Resignation,” in which many tech workers decided to switch careers or employers. But before you leap to snap up these workers for your in-house IT crew, remember that these workers aren’t necessarily any cheaper to onboard than before. Tech workers will want to be paid what they’ve received in the past. Swelling your ranks may boost your technological capabilities, but it could also pose financial challenges for your organization.


You can give your team the help it needs by augmenting your core in-house IT department with remote assistance from our own team at Gravity Systems. We can provide a variety of routine yet crucial functions, from data backup and recovery to security updates and online troubleshooting, so your team can focus on other tasks. Contact us and let’s talk about it!

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