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One question you're probably hearing in job interviews these days is, “Is telecommuting an option?” An increasing number of businesses and job-seekers alike are discovering that telecommuting is a very smart option indeed. Here are some reasons it might make sense for your own organization, courtesy of our Austin IT support experts:

 1. Telecommuting can slash your expenses. The more employees you have to house in a brick-and-mortar facility, the larger a space you require and the more money you have to spend on electricity, building maintenance and other overhead costs. Letting at least some of those employees work from home can drastically reduce these parts of your operational budget.


2. Telecommuting is environmentally friendly. All that electricity you save doesn't just slash your electric bill; it also reduces the size of your carbon footprint. If you're concerned about your business's environmental impact, telecommuting can help you establish a more eco-friendly workplace.


3. Telecommuting can encourage higher productivity. Forget that image of the home worker spending more time at the fridge than at the computer. A UT Austin study found that telecommuters actually put in 5 to 7 more hours per week than their office-bound brethren, and were also more likely to put in overtime as needed.



4. Telecommuting helps attract (and hold) top-quality people. By eliminating mandatory office hours and epic journeys through rush-hour traffic, telecommuting makes it easier for employees to achieve the work-life balance they desperately seek. This flexibility not only makes company morale soar, but it also makes you a more attractive prospect to the cream of the job-seeking crop.

 Gravity Systems can help you adopt telecommuting via cloud computing or secure VPN (Virtual Private Network) connectivity as part of an Austin IT managed services package. Talk to us today about the possibilities!

Related Post: VPN: What Is It? What Does It Do


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