Managed-IT-Service provider

Managed service is a practice of outsourcing everyday management responsibilities and liabilities as a strategy to improve operations and cut short the expenses in a business. This can include outsourcing Human resource activities, maintenance activities, production support and many more.


The individual or an organization which owns or has a direct oversight of the system or organization being managed is often referred as customer or client. The individual or organization which accepts and provides the managed services is known as the Managed service provider (MSP). The business strategy behind management service is common among the enterprise level organizations. This strategy is adapted to fit the small as well as medium sized organizations as they provide consistent budgeting and higher level of service to small and medium sized business enterprises. A MSP is often an IT service provider which manages and takes responsibility to provide a pre defined set of services towards the clients.

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Many organizations and enterprises operate with a hybrid model which offers reselling or integrating services in addition to managed services. It is reported that 73% of the companies which offered managed services gained profit.

Management service enables business to grow successfully and navigate in a proper manner.

Although the organization’s operation, security anxiety, Information technology varies according to region, size of the company, type of the industry, what they are often afraid is of profit and loss,  customer base and reputation.

 In this age of strong communication technology and evolution of so many social networks, no treats will go unanalyzed or unpublished and it is very difficult for and organization in escaping the blame on it even if the effect is as a by-product of other incident.

According to a report of Business Continuity Institute, the top ten common threats to business are:

  • Unplanned IT outages
  • Data breaches
  • Adverse weather effects
  • Cyber attacks
  • Health or safety incident
  • Utility supply interruptions
  • Act of terrorism
  • Fires
  • New laws or regulations
  • Security compromises.


How manages services satisfy business desires.

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Managed services in business offers potential to organizations to mitigate problems in several areas of concern as provider’s solution is customized to the organization’s need. Contingency planning is resource intensive, time consuming as well as costly. Though it is quite impossible to prevent adverse weather, it is possible to take precaution from these threats in doing real damage.

Managed services are scalable and hence the involvement of provider correspond organization’s potential hazards and anxieties specifically. Specific service relates to the fact that the service type differs according to the necessity of that particular organization. One organization may require online backup service in order to prevent data loss via an offsite server, where as another may want all its employees to stay connected during a bad weather.

When an organization goes for managed services, the operations are handled by interface with full responsibility. Like large organizations, small organizations also require technology to operate and compete effectively and require resources. In small organizations, there is a scarcity of resources which may have a negative effect to business. Under such circumstances, managed services come out handy. Specialized software is used by MSPs to control and deploy managed services to customers and is known as remote monitoring and management software. The provider is only accountable to the performance and functionality of the managed services and has no claim over management control of the organization.

If you would need Managed IT Support Austin then please contact us back at Gravity Systems. 

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