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If you've always thought of an email server as something that sits in your IT room, you should know that cloud hosting over the Internet has some distinct advantages over the old in-house model.

Here are just a few for your consideration:

 Lower cost – The lower cost of cloud hosting is especially beneficial for smaller companies who can't afford the major investment of an in-house mailserver, from the necessary hardware/software to the extra staff required to manage it. Cloud hosting allows you to pay a monthly fee, which spreads out the cost over time, with no extra expenses for software upgrades or personnel.

 Scalability – Every time you need more hosting power than your in-house server current provides, you'll have to either add another server or replace the current one. By contrast, a cloud hosting setup is completely scalable. Pay for the extra server space in your monthly fees and adjust the service arrangement to suit your ever-changing needs.

 Reliability – When an in-house server dies, it may take a significant (and expensive) amount of time to replace the machine and load the most recent backup onto it. A cloud server automatically backs itself up every few minutes, and you won't be scrambling to replace a physical unit. Of course you'll need a reliable Internet connection, but we've got you covered there with our redundant, high-speed solutions for optimal uptime.


 Access – One great thing about the cloud that it offers secure access from any Internet-ready PC, laptop or mobile device. If you've got employees scattered across the state, nation or globe, they're all just a couple of clicks away from the data they need at all times.

 Our Austin IT managed services professionals can help you decide whether your server should ascend to the cloud. Contact Gravity Systems today and let's discuss it!

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