GS Staff


If your definition of “work” has always included the image of a group of people laboring together in a shared physical space, the prospect of offering your workforce a telecommuting option may be unsettling or even alarming to you. However, those empty chairs don't have to be a bad thing. Let's take a look at just three of the ways telecommuting can benefit your business, courtesy of our Austin IT support specialists.

1. Your business has more freedom to grow. In a traditional business environment, every employee has to have physical accommodations in the workplace. The more employees you have, the bigger a space you need – a space that must be heated, cooled, lit/electrified and equipped with multiple workstations. Telecommuting lets you continue to expand your workforce without boosting your overhead costs, apart from upgrading your IT system to accommodate all those logins.

2. You'll leave a smaller carbon footprint. Do you maintain a policy of environmental consciousness and sustainability? If so, telecommuting can help you help the world by reducing your business's carbon footprint. Fewer bodies in your workplace means less need to burn energy. It also allows you to use less paper and other office products.

3. Telecommuting can help you land (and keep) top-flight talent. If you think telecommuting will promote laziness and unreliability in your organization, think again. In today's hectic, multi-tasking world, busy professionals are actively looking for more flexible work environments – not to slack off, but to obtain the work-life balance these high achievers need. By offering telecommuting as an option, you make your business more competitive when it comes to recruiting top talent, and that talent will be more likely to stay with you.


Interested in exploring telecommuting for your organization? Ask our Austin business IT support team for more information!

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